Roofing & Roof Waterproofing

Roofing & Roof Waterproofing (SPF System)

Little Product-Big Benefits | Environmentally safe | Simplifies Roofing Systems | Green Building Solutions

Spray polyurethane foam, commonly known as SPF is a spray-applied insulating foam that is installed as a liquid and then expands many times its original size. Spray polyurethane foam can be adjusted to any thickness, shape and density; and have many different physical properties depending on the use desired.

  • Light Weight, Energy Efficient, Simplifies Roofing System
  • A quality system supported by international certifications
  • Substantially reduces the cost of cooling and heating
  • Contributes LEED Credits for sustainable Green Structures
  • SPF reduces structural damages caused by heavy winds
  • SPF helps conserve energy & reducing CO2 emissions
  • Promotes indoor comfort & improved quality of life
  • Seamless, and effective Seal against Water Leakage
  • SPF Eliminates air filteration& controls moisture
  • A proven contribution to Green Building Solutions
  • Reduces Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effects
  • Lifespan is same as the life of the building